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Unstyled React Switch component and hook - MUI Base MUI stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people against the Russian invasion. Find out how you can help.
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Unstyled Switch Switches are UI elements that let users choose between two states—most commonly on/off.
Introduction The SwitchUnstyled
component provides users with a switch for toggling between two mutually exclusive states.
Component Usage After installation , you can start building with this component using the following basic elements:
import SwitchUnstyled from '@mui/base/SwitchUnstyled' ;
export default function MyApp ( ) {
return < SwitchUnstyled /> ;
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Basics The following demo shows how to assign styles and props to the SwitchUnstyled
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Copy (or Ctrl + C) Anatomy The SwitchUnstyled
component is composed of a root <span>
that houses three interior slots—a track, a thumb, and an input:
< span class = " MuiSwitch-root" >
< span class = " MuiSwitch-track" > </ span>
< span class = " MuiSwitch-thumb" > </ span>
< input type = " checkbox" class = " MuiSwitch-input" />
</ span>
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Slot props Use the component
prop to override the root slot with a custom element:
< SwitchUnstyled component = " div" />
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Use the slots
prop to override any interior slots in addition to the root:
< SwitchUnstyled slots = { { root : 'div' , track : 'div' } } />
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If the root element is customized with both the component
and slots
props, then component
will take precedence.
Use the slotProps
prop to pass custom props to internal slots.
The following code snippet applies a CSS class called my-thumb
to the thumb slot:
< SwitchUnstyled slotProps = { { thumb : { className : 'my-thumb' } } } />
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Hook import { useSwitch } from '@mui/base/SwitchUnstyled' ;
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The useSwitch
hook lets you apply the functionality of SwitchUnstyled
to a fully custom component.
It returns props to be placed on the custom component, along with fields representing the component's internal state.
Hooks do not support slot props , but they do support customization props .
Hooks give you the most room for customization, but require more work to implement.
With hooks, you can take full control over how your component is rendered, and define all the custom props and CSS classes you need.
You may not need to use hooks unless you find that you're limited by the customization options of their component counterparts—for instance, if your component requires significantly different internal slot structure .
Basic example
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Copy (or Ctrl + C) Accessibility To make the switch component accessible, you should ensure that the corresponding labels reflect the current state of the switch.